History of Noxon
A working dairy and sheep farm until 2001, Noxon retains its beautiful original stone buildings, some of which date back to the 17th century.
Current ongoing projects - Agroforestry at Noxon
We are currently working with the Woodland Trust on an agroforestry project on pond field. This will allow cattle to still graze whilst growing trees for coppicing and fruit and nut trees for consumption. We are testing out methods of regenerative farming which focuses on restoring and improving the health of the soil, promoting biodiversity, and enhancing the overall sustainability of farming practices. One of agroforestry’s key benefits is increased soil health and fertility, which can lead to improved crop yields and reduced reliance on synthetic fertilizers.
Who are we?
Noxon Farm is a 3 generation team and the farm is now 4th generation. Dave farmed Noxon for 25 years until foot and mouth in 2001 meant that all cows and sheep were culled. Dave has worked on sustainable diversification and incorporating renewable energy solutions to minimize the environmental footprint with workshops.
Dave’s daughter Abi moved back from Melbourne Australia in 2022. Abi and Will with their 2 little ones Romy and Leif look after Noxon with the help of Dave.
As well as Noxon, Abi runs Found in the Forest youth theatre and Will works at The Soil Association.